Sunday, May 31, 2009

11 days

The first day, he was scared of the slide. Now I'm scared of the slide because he tries to jump down it by himself.

Life is good. Enjoying one-on-one time with Bubba before the new baby arrives. This pregnancy is already going by so fast. Had to go to H&M yesterday and get maternity clothes because my old jeans just aren't doing the job anymore. We find out in 11 days what we're having. I think it's another boy. We'll be thrilled either way. Oh, and in 13 days we move. The next couple weeks are gonna be great.


Andrea said...

I love bubba. I love your belly. I love the best white sister I have. :) And it's 2 days for us... I fell huge and I found out that my uterus is the size of a cantelope. lol.

Jesse, Trista and Jaiden Wright said...

Aww your belly is so cute! I cant believe he's walking... I guess he's old enough... but since I never see him I still think of you as having a baby not a walking toddler! It makes me sad that Jaiden looks more and more like a little kid everyday instead of my baby he use to be!

Unknown said...

Cute baby belly! (mulara)

dani said...

bubba is so adorable! i think that you're having a girl!

Tiffani said...

Love the belly picture shirt and you look GREAT!!

Xinh said...

Wow.. You look great..