Sunday, May 16, 2010


Church was awesome today, as always. We spent a great portion in the foyer, as always, too. I have a two year old and six month old, you know how it is.

In Relief Society, we talked about the importance of reading our scriptures everyday. I thought about how my study of the scriptures has blessed my life. I have been through some particularly difficult times, and I know that if I had not been studying the scriptures daily, I would not have made it through. We will all have trying times in this life, and if we are making an effort to stay close to Christ, we will have the strength to withstand the winds that come.

When I take the time to read my scriptures, I miraculously have enough time for the other important duties in my life. Even more, I am reminded of my purpose and that helps me to make good choices. I can feel a power in my home when we read and pray as a family. There is joy, peace, and calm amidst the chaos. This is something I want to continue to give my children throughout their lives, and especially a testimony that He lives because that's what the Bible and the Book of Mormon proclaim, that Christ, our Savior lives. I'm so thankful for that testimony and for the many ways my life has been blessed by the study of scripture.

Many times, I have opened up to a verse in the Bible or the Book of Mormon and read exactly what I needed to read at that moment. I have been comforted, strengthened, uplifted, and reminded of who I am and how critical my role is. How thankful I am.

P.S. Don't worry, Anthony's not giving me the stinkeye. That's just how his face looks.


The Brownings said...

I LOVE that little chunky monkey! Look at those legs! How darling! This picture is cute... you're 3 boys! :)

Annie Macias said...

True that sister!! I miss that lobby and those adorable babies in it!!