Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mom's Getting Her Book Published!

An average book buyer gives a cover three seconds before moving on. My mom was recently offered a contract with a big publishing company out of Oklahoma City, and is officially an author now. The company's graphic designer has come up with these cover designs and my mom has to pick one to represent the book by Friday. I'm really undecided, especially with the first two. Love them! I would love the third, but I think the lipstick writing looks kind of tacky. So, be honest and tell me what your oppinion is.

{My mom}


Luisa said...

That is so awesome, kali! What is her book about? Ummm...I kinda liked the third one...looks like something that would catch my attention...but, that's just me! :)

I noticed the pink ribbon...is she writing about breast cancer?

Your Mom is so adorable! And, what an exciting experience for her!

Annie Macias said...

That's so cool! I like the first one.

Dione said...

I like the first one! How cool! I hope you are feeling o.k. and keeping that baby in, I wish I was there to babysit for you so you could rest all day.

Mom said...

The first one caught my attention the most. :)

Jesse, Trista and Jaiden Wright said...

I like the first one the best... but if the book is about Breast Cancer then I like the second one!

dani said...

i love the first one!

Andrea said...

K... I'm all for the first one. Jeremiah kicked so he is too! :)

Tiffani said...

I am a reader and the first one looks the most official and would make me more likely to pick it up to find more. I think somehow it should have the breast cancer ribbon on it, maybe on the back or the onside jacket with the synopsis would be best! Congratulations I know she has worked hard!

Unknown said...

I like the first one too!

Becca Bel said...

1st one too!