Finally getting to spend some quality time with Alex after his 2 year mission
Visiting my Grandma Jean...isn't she the cutest?
Playing with Carson
And I made these!
Hilarious. Maybe you had to be there?
Visiting my Grandma Jean...isn't she the cutest?
Playing with Carson
And I made these!
Hilarious. Maybe you had to be there?
He loves the ladies.
There's the list. And people wonder why I don't cook. What is the point of cooking if you are the only person that's going to eat?!
Anyway, on to my second night. I feel like I was basically in the kitchen all day for this one. I made some cornbread from the Jiffy box. They were on sale for 43 cents the other day, so we'll probably be having cornbread for awhile. The main entree was soup. I don't really know what kind of soup, but I can tell you how I made it. I put the following in the crockpot and let it sit on high for basically the whole day.
I thought it was good. Samantha said it was good. And now for the moment I had been waiting for all day. Anthony comes home. I kindly ask would he like some dinner. He kindly asks me to bring him a bowl. I proudly fill it up and happily bring it to him. He hesitantly asks what's in it. I explain. He takes one bite. One bite. That's all. One bite. He's done. One bite. That's it. One bite. I don't talk to him for the rest of the night.
Okay, okay, so after waking up this morning, I realize I maybe overreacted by ignoring him as he profusely apologized, and told me it's the thought that counts. He applauded my cookies and even took seven of them to work with him today, but was the soup I labored with love over and may I emphasize labor. Moving on. Maybe we will live on take-out for the rest of our lives.