Wednesday, April 13, 2011


If you follow me on Facebook, then you have probably already seen this video, but I just had to post it on here.

Landon and I have been reading the Book of Mormon together before bed, and for the last few months, he has had quite a fascination with the Liahona. It's described as a brass ball of "curious workmanship" and was used as a compass to lead and guide Lehi's family in the wildness. I think the reason Landon is so obsessed with it, is because it's a ball. haha. 

Well, as we were reading a few weeks ago, he said, "I want a Liahona for my birthday!"

My first thought was, "How in the world do I get him one of those?"

Thank goodness my friend, Whitney is a genius and sent me a link within minutes. So, I ordered it, and it came today! So exciting. He loves it, and I think it is sooo cute that he asked for it.

Even though it's Landon's birthday week, my blog really needs some Harper in it's life. So here:

I love me a boy who cleans up after himself.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

That's awesome! You are such a great mom Kali!